collective exhibitionMay 18 – July 31, 2020
Extended until August 31
Exhibition by Désirée Fersini
Galleria Immaginaria inaugurates a collective exhibition dedicated to a series of artists who have collaborated in the past and continue to collaborate for this occasion.
After the long quarantine period that forced the gallery to close, this re-opening is dedicated to an intense journey punctuated with the main productions of the artists, who over the years have given birth to an evolved and constantly changing art.
“DiacroMia” originates from the term diachrony used by de Saussure, as opposed to synchrony, which indicates the complex changes in phonetic and lexical elements in a language through time. Playing on the concept of time (Chronos), and colour (Chromìa), we want to reveal the dynamic evolution in time and space of the various artistic languages, highlighting their interactions, not only with the world around them, but also highlighting the relationships that can spring up between them.
What is born is a visual synthesis of different artistic expressions that pose themselves in relationship with the observer.
From abstractionism to conceptual art, from sculpture to painting, from the most coarse and materic canvases of Cucci and Sevillano, to the smooth and diaphanous surfaces of Lluìs Cera’s sculptures, from the soft pastel colours of Reggiani to the chromatic explosions of Bernard Aubertin that geometrize in the works of Achille Perilli.
These are just some of the proposed international artists, exponents of movements such as Gruppo Zero, Viennese Action, Forma Uno, Classical Florentine abstract art.
Through their works, the observer’s gaze gives life to languages and stories that intersect and divide.
Each subjective vision dilates the message of the exhibition to the extreme.
The single and the multiple bond together in a diversified relationship. Just like those relationships that we have long been craving for in the last few months of isolation.
The maximum power that art possesses is to develop ever-changing emotions that never allow us to feel alone, and it is precisely this, which in times of difficulty helps us stay alive.
Désirée Fersini